5 Reasons Why Your Home Needs a Water Filter

Water Filter

According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the average human body is about 60% water. 

It varies depending on the part of the body you are considering. Your lungs contain the highest percentage of water, followed by the brain and heart and then the skin.  

Because so much of your body needs water, it’s important to consider what is in the water you are putting in your body and the advantages of filtered water. 

Keep reading for 5 reasons why your home needs a water filter. 

1. Unfiltered Water Contains Contaminants

The EPA defines contaminants in water as anything that is not a water molecule. They have broken down the types of contaminants found in water into four categories:

  • Physical
  • Chemical
  • Biological
  • Radiological. 

While there is a “safety net” of regulations to make sure your water is considered safe, recognize that those regulations are broad and generic.

What is considered safe for the average person may be harmful to you and your family. A quality water filtration system can reduce your exposure to contaminants.  

2. Contaminants Affect Your Skin and Health

Chemical contaminants mentioned by the EPA include bleach, nitrogen, salts, pesticides, and metal. 

Even “safe” levels of these chemicals and elements can dry out your skin. This can be especially difficult for those with conditions such as eczema or psoriasis. 

The CDC says that the presence of contaminants in tap water can have adverse health effects, especially for certain at-risk groups.

Having a whole home water filter will reduce your exposure to these contaminants internally and externally. 

3. Improve Quality and Taste

A quality water filter system will filter out contaminants, leaving behind the naturally occurring trace minerals that are actually good for you.

Reducing the contaminants and letting the trace minerals through will improve the taste and lower the pH of your drinking water. 

If you want to buy a water filter contact an authorized Berkey dealer in your area. 

4. Protect the Environment

Do you buy bottled water for your family to try to help your water be healthier and safer? 

It may surprise you to learn that it’s not that much different. Regulations for bottled water are comparable in safety to tap water, just administered by the FDA instead of the EPA. 

By filtering your water and using reusable water bottles you not only improve the quality of your water but reduce plastic waste as well. 

5. And Your Pocketbook

So let’s do the math. Home water filter systems can cost up to hundreds of dollars for the initial up-front cost. From there your annual out-of-pocket expense would only be for filters. 

If you buy one flat of bottled water a week at $5 each, your annual cost for bottled water would be around $260. Over time you will save money, with the added bonus of having less waste. 

Consider a Water Filter for Your Home

Having a water filter for your home can have long-term benefits for your family’s health. Consider our five reasons for getting a home water filtration system and start seeing the benefits today!

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