5 Awesome Tips to Help You Select the Best Perfume and Fragrance

The best perfume can improve your confidence and compliment your senses of style. Finding a scene that can take you from the office to a night out can be difficult.

There are so many perfumes out there! How do you know which to choose from? Our handy guide will give you 5 amazing tips to help you buy the best perfume for you and your lifestyle. 

1. Picking Out the Notes

One of the most important perfume buying tips is understanding what notes are in the perfume.

The top note in a perfume will be the strongest and the first thing you smell. The middle note is the body of the perfume and you will smell it the longest. The bottom note is heavier scents that stay throughout the day as the other smells fade. 

After you let the perfume settle, you can get an idea of how all the notes work together.  Some of the best smelling perfume will a theme, like floral, fruity, or spicy notes. If you have other perfumes, find connections between them to get a better idea of what you like. 

2. Limit How Many You Try 

Trying to select quality perfume can lead anyone to smell every perfume in the store. One of the top forms of advice about choosing perfume is not trying too many at the same time. 

When you try more than three or four perfumes at once, your senses can get overwhelmed. You stop being able to tell the difference between perfumes. 

3. Follow Your Nose

Your nose knows what’s best for you when you smell different perfumes. After you let the perfume settle, really give your nose a chance to absorb the smell of the perfume. 

Picking out perfume is a personal decision. If a smell makes you wrinkle your nose, avoid it! But, if you can’t stop smelling something, that might be the one for you. 

4. Take Your Time

Perfume takes time to fade from one note to another. You might love the first note, but the last note might become irritating. Requesting samples or placing perfume sticks in different pockets can give you time to see how the notes develop. 

You also don’t want to pick a perfume in the store. Stores have a lot of smells that can cloud the perfume scent. Waiting until you leave the store and the perfume has had time to sit will lead to a better decision. 

In-store perfume is also more expensive than purchasing perfume online. Going to the store to try the smells, waiting, and then purchasing on sites like www.perfumeprice.co.uk can save you money. The more affordable the perfume, the more you can get as well. 

5. Determining the Concentration 

The higher the concentration of the perfume, the stronger the smell is. Higher concentrations have a longer wear time, but they can also be more expensive. 

The highest concentration is called perfume/parfum and is 15%-20% fragrance. The lowest is Eau Fraiche which has a 1%-3% concentration. You can purchase different levels of fragrance and have the perfume cater to how long you want to wear it. 

Add the Best Perfume For You to Your Daily Routine

The best perfume will be one of the greatest purchases you make. Everyone needs a signature scent. These tips and tricks will make finding your perfect perfume easy! 

Do you want more tips about improving your sense of style, check out the rest of our blog!