6 Great Benefits of Wearing Elevator Shoes

6 Great Benefits of Wearing Elevator Shoes

Looking to increase your height without going under the knife? Then you may want to consider elevator shoes. Elevator shoes are shoes that make you taller than you actually are. A few inches taller never hurt anyone. There are a number of benefits associated with elevator shoes. Let’s get into them.

1. It boosts your confidence

There’s nothing that says “I’m the man” than when everyone in the room is looking up at you. Your social and self-esteem will greatly increase when others look up to you and you can see eye-to-eye with those who are naturally gifted in the height area.

2. Choose how tall you want to be

An added benefit of elevator shoes is the fact that you get to choose exactly how tall you want to be. Obviously, you don’t want to make it blatantly obvious that you’ve gotten something done by going from 5”4 to 5”9, but I think you get the picture. A couple of inches or three will get the desired effect. Not to mention your view will be great too!

3. Improve your posture and comfort

Almost all of us slouch at one point or the other. What better way to fix your bad posture than with elevator shoes? They help you to stand up straight, chest out. If your feet are steady and firm on the ground, they can better support your body and your posture in turn. Be sure to buy high-quality elevator shoes that are big on comfort so you don’t tire out like your female counterparts in heels. They can also be useful in helping with chronic back and knee pain which is a win, don’t you think?

4. They are fashionable

Who says you have to look like your grandpa to get a few inches? Elevator shoes come in a variety of colours, sizes and styles to fit your personal needs. You can dress them up or dress them down. Whatever you choose, you can be sure that you’ll look the part no matter the occasion.

5. You’ll have better luck with the ladies

It’s no secret that women love tall men. They are visually appealing and appear to be more able to protect and provide which is every woman’s dream. Wearing elevator shoes will help you be taller than most of the women you come across and this is an important hurdle to overcome in today’s dating world. Just be honest on your dating profile lest it be your downfall!

6. You could earn more because you’re taller

Surprised by this one? You could potentially earn more because taller men give off dominant and powerful vibes to employers. The world really belongs to the tall and now you can get a piece of the pie thanks to elevator shoes. An extra $1,000 to your paycheck sounds like a great benefit of elevator shoes, wouldn’t you agree?

Clearly, as shown above, elevator shoes have several benefits ranging from confidence to improved health. Are you ready to join the tall gang in style today?