Miki Agrawal Discusses Health, Wellness, and Workplace Accomplishments

Miki Agrawal

The health and wellness market has been experiencing a revolution unlike any other. Since 2017, the sector has seen a notable expansion in size and scope, increasing its value from $3.7 trillion to $4.2 trillion. From work-life balancing programs to holistic health and wellness solutions, workers around the world are being introduced to new ways to take care of their mental, physical, and spiritual wellness.

Miki Agrawal is the founder of TUSHY, a bidet attachment company, and she is working hard to change the American perception of mental and physical wellness. Discussing the concept and how it can change our modern workforce. Focused on health and wellness, Miki Agrawal had some thoughts on the industry itself.

Focus on Success, Planning, and Positivity

One of the most fascinating outgrowths of the modern wellness industry is its focus on successful planning and a positive mindset. From podcasts to meditation applications, the health and wellness industry has sought to embrace the modern millennial workforce with convenient digital assistance.

These applications can focus on soothing soundtracks, boosting your mood, and enhancing your ability to focus. For TUSHY Founder Miki Agrawal, a simple push-notification to remind her to take a deep breath can have a huge impact during an otherwise stressful day.

Availability of Wellness Routines

As a devoted disrupt-her, Miki Agrawal is well aware of how changing markets can bring about modern solutions. One example that cuts close to home are the yoga and meditation sectors, which are ideal for improving our physical and mental health. Long before the internet and platforms like YouTube, attending a yoga session meant living near a yoga studio or a professional who could help.

The convenient nature of the internet allows individuals to connect seamlessly with the yoga and meditation routines that they need to feel their best. From YouTube videos to live coaching, everything is available at our fingertips. Yoga and meditation can offer modern office workers a mood-boosting service to keep them elevated throughout the day.

Creating Ownership and Embracing Accountability

Taking a healthy dose of ownership and accountability can prove essential to long-term professional success. More than that, learning to take ownership of faults can help us to continue making progress on our wellness journeys. Technological innovation and the growing wellness market have come together in concert to develop apps that help us improve our habits.

Serial Disrupt-her Miki Agrawal points to digital diaries, exercise trackers, and accountability applications as just a few of the tools useful for maintaining our health and wellness. These tools are often social and many drive the users toward community-based, positive outcomes.

Creating accountability and inclusivity, modern wellness applications are ideal for workplace task management. Miki Agrawal points to scheduling applications, time management software, and event planning to-do lists as just a few examples that prove effective.

Embracing Corporate Wellness Initiatives

As more and more data comes out regarding the effectiveness of these health and wellness applications, expect more and more corporate wellness programs to manifest. The COVID-19 pandemic threw the importance of corporate wellness into sharp relief and now businesses are trying their best to accommodate the mental health and wellness of their employees.