The Science of Gift Giving: How to Choose the Best Gift Idea Ever

Did you know the average American spends almost $1,000 on holiday gifts each year?

But giving gifts isn’t just about spending as much money as possible. It’s also about making a real effort to buy a gift that is both thoughtful and desired.

If you’re looking for the best gift idea ever, read on as we take you through some of the best ways to choose a great gift for your loved ones.

Check Out Online Wishlists

Trying to guess what a friend or family member would like as a gift can be a real challenge. Traipsing through stores or searching online for suitable gifts, only to find nothing that looks even remotely suitable is a common problem.

But many people will actually leave some indications of what they might like as a gift. This could be done on social media sites, like Facebook or Twitter, or on online stores like Amazon and eBay.

Goodreads is another great site you can check. The book-oriented website has millions of users, and many set up a page full of books they want to read. These lists are normally publicly accessible, as long as you can find the person’s Goodreads profile. 

Avoid High-Maintenance Gifts

There’s nothing worse than receiving a well-intentioned gift that requires huge amounts of maintenance. A sourdough starter, exotic plant, or some other time sink is a real pain to receive. 

It’s important not to saddle someone with unwanted responsibility through your gift.

And remember, don’t buy a pet as a gift, unless you’re buying it for your own young child and you’re prepared to take care of the animal yourself. Although you might think your bestie will fall in love with the cute puppy or kitten you saw online, there’s a lifetime of walks, feeding, and cleaning up to be thought about too. 

Be a Problem Solver!

Not every gift has to be flashy and fun. Sometimes, the best presents are simple things, like socks or shampoo!

Although it’s a classic trope to think of socks and other mundane things as bad presents, these can often be much-loved gifts that fill a hole in someone’s life.

Think of other problems you could solve through your gift-giving. There is a number of ways you could make life easier for someone with a simple gift. 

Stick With the Staples

Although it’s nice to get original from time to time, you can also stick with old favorites. Many of the best gift ideas are old classics like clothing, food, household items, or other simple things.

Or how about accessories? YNOT ranch hats are a great option. They’re stylish and affordable gifts that anyone who loves the outdoors would be happy to receive. 

Look for Quality

One way to spruce up a regular gift is to look for a high-quality version of a common item.

Standard gift fodder like aftershave, chocolates, or household items will seem much better if you go for the premium version made from the best ingredients or materials.

Make a List

Santa isn’t the only one who’s making a list and checking it twice! Gift-givers across the world make good use of lists to work out the best presents to offer their friends and relations.

Drawing up a list of potential gifts over a period of weeks or months is a great way to make a good final decision. Taking your time and writing down potential ideas can help you make a shortlist and narrow it down to get the best option in the end. 

The Best Gift Idea Ever Can Be an Experience

Some folks say that experiences are far more valuable than possessions. If you subscribe to that school of thought, why not offer your loved one an experience as their gift? You could purchase a class for cooking, dancing, or anything else you can think of.

Or you could purchase sports or concert tickets, or a pre-paid meal at a fancy restaurant. Who doesn’t love a night out on the town, with great food or entertainment? A memorable experience is one of the most meaningful gifts you can give.

Alternatively, consider buying some equipment which could be used for fun activities. Equipment for outdoor activities like tents, fishing rods, or boating equipment can open up all kinds of doors for memory making. 

Ask Mutual Friends

No matter how close you are to a person, there’s no shame in admitting you don’t know everything about them. 

If you’re struggling to think of what someone might like as a gift, it might be time to bring in some outside help. Asking a mutual friend or family member for advice might be the best way to go.

If you’re lucky, the target of your gift-giving might have even dropped a hint or two, making your task even easier!

Add a Splash of Comedy

Making someone laugh is a great way to add a touch of warmth to a gift. If there’s an in-joke or a funny memory, perhaps you can work it into your gift in a fun and interesting way.

Be sure not to give someone a gift they actively won’t like, though! If you’re planning on giving a full-out gag gift, be sure to have something pleasant to go along with it.

More Help Is Out There!

If you’re still trying to think up the best gift idea ever, just relax and try not to force the issue. Simply letting your mind wander, or taking a relaxed look around your favorite store might spark inspiration.

If you found our tips helpful, check out the other articles on our blog for more useful hints and tips.