How to Learn to Swim?

How to Learn to Swim

Swimming is not only a popular sport but also great entertainment. Moreover, it is very beneficial for health. Sometimes it happens that a person becomes an adult without having learned this activity.

How to learn to swim? Is it possible to do it yourself? These are the questions that concern those who have decided to join the cohort of “wave conquerors”. 

Learning Process

Learning to swim, even on your own, is not particularly difficult. You just need to carefully read the theory of swimming and apply it in practice.

Read swimming technique manuals just for reference. So you will at least theoretically imagine your further actions and the algorithm of movements. Be sure to study the safety precautions on the water, including in open water. Swimming is not similar to playing real money slots online as you will need a deep understanding of the basics.

It is better to start learning to swim in a shallow pool. Firstly, there is clear water and you can see the bottom. Secondly, there is always a saving side nearby. Thirdly, there are always trained trainers in the pool who will come to your aid if necessary.

It is necessary that you stand firmly on the surface of the bottom, knowing that around you at a distance of several meters the same level bottom, without holes. The desired water level is up to the chest, the head and shoulders are in the air.

For your own safety, there should be a person next to you who already knows how to swim. He will be able to first tell you the right movement and ensure you are in the water.

Proper Breathing

Proper breathing is the basis of swimming. It is important to remember that we take a deep breath through the nose, and exhale through the mouth into the water. For example, professional swimmers perform the following exercise as a warm-up. They, standing in the pool, gain a full chest of air, squat and exhale in the water. This will prepare your body for the swim and help you hold your breath.


Footwork in water is the speed of movement, self-confidence when swimming. The main thing here is to remember that the toes of the feet should be straightened forward (like a ballerina), and the kicks on the water should be clear, strong, and biting.

An excellent exercise for honing the movements of the legs will be working at the side of the reservoir. Put your hands on it, slightly move your body away from the side, lie down on the water and start working with your feet.

If you want to do this on the move, get a special foam board. Holding on to it with your hands, you can swim using only your legs. And the board won’t let you sink.