Find Your Swag: 7 Benefits of Customized Swag

Are you taking advantage of merchandise marketing? Branded merchandise is one of the most effective ways to advertise your business, no matter what your marketing budget looks like.

If you’ve ever been to a convention or trade show, you’ve probably seen businesses handing out customized swag at their booth. Have you ever wondered why so many companies rely on this style of marketing?

There are many reasons to use customized swag: it’s good for your budget, good for your brand, and good for your customers. Read on to learn seven benefits of customized swag.

1. People Love Free Items

It should come as no surprise that people free merchandise. Who doesn’t like to receive a free item? Giving out customized promotional merchandise is a great way to attract people to your business.

You can even use free swag to convince people to spend money. By including a bonus item with certain purchases, you can increase the amount people are willing to spend on your products.

2. Custom Swag Is Affordable

One of the biggest benefits of customized swag is that it’s affordable–you don’t have to spend a lot to see a solid return on investment. Different types of custom swag may cost more, but things like shirts and hats are inexpensive.

Companies like Axomo can get you the swag you want without breaking the bank.

3. Reinforce Your Brand

Brand identity is important; customized swag can help reinforce it. Determine the demographic you want to market to and come up with custom swag ideas that appeal to that audience.

4. Get More Exposure

The main reason to use customized swag is to increase your brand’s exposure. Customized apparel–like shirts with your logo on them, for instance–is great for exposure because people will wear it everywhere.

Every piece of customized swag becomes a small, moving advertisement for your company. When someone wears your branded shirt to the supermarket, every other person there will be exposed to your brand.

5. Increase Customer Loyalty

Once again, people love free stuff. Giving out occasional gifts to loyal customers makes them feel better about supporting you and improves the chances that they’ll buy from you again in the future.

6. Flex Your Creativity

Customized swag isn’t just useful–it’s also fun! Figuring out the types of custom swag you want to use and how you want it to look gives you a chance to be creative with your brand.

7. Make an Impression

Your swag can say a lot about your company. The free hat or pen you give out might be a person’s first experience with your company–if the swag is high-quality, it can make a great first impression.

Unique swag items and eye-catching logos can also make your company more interesting and memorable in the eyes of customers.

The Benefits of Customized Swag

Customized swag is a simple, effective way to get your company’s name out into the world. No matter what your business is, customized promotional merchandise is an affordable marketing option.

There’s no reason to stop there, though. Customized swag should only be one piece of your marketing strategy; for more great marketing ideas and advice, visit our business blog!